
Below is an outline of the conference program of the World Congress on Elite Sport Policy. This program is updated regularly. You can also download the Program Outline day 1 and Program Outline day 2. Click here for an overview of the abstract presentations.

23 November

24 November

08.00   Delegates Registration and coffee & tea


09.00   The Hon Sussan Ley MP - Federal Minister for Health / Minister for Sport
The role and responsibilities of the Commonwealth Government in the formulation and implementation of elite sport policy


09.30   Ms Fiona de Jong - CEO, Australian Olympic Committee

Olympic Innovation: Australia's preparation for Tokyo and beyond


10.10   Morning tea

Delegates moving from Keynote to Invited Speaker Session


10.40   Mr Simon Hollingsworth - CEO, Australian Sports Commission

Australian Sport Participation


11.20   Delegates move from Invited Speaker Session to Parallel Sessions & Symposia


11.30   Parallel Sessions and Symposia


12.30   Lunch break


13.30   Mr Andrew Westacott - ‎CEO, Australian Grand Prix Corporation

The AGPC and branding Melbourne


14.30   Parallel Sessions, Symposia and Workshops


16.00   Coffee & tea break

Delegates moving to Elite Sport Policy Public Forum


16.30   - Prof Damian Farrow - VU / AIS (MC)

Are Our foundations of Elite Sport Crumbling?



Dr Machar Reid – Innovation Catalyst Tennis Australia

Ms Madi Robinson – Vixens and Australian Netball Team

Dr Juanita Weissensteiner – Senior Consultant, Athlete Pathways and Development, Australian Institute of Sport

Mr Geoff Howes – Deputy GM, Participation and Sustainable Sport, Australian Sports Commission

Ms Natalie Lander – PE Teacher and PhD Scholar, Deakin University


17.45   Delegates move to MCG - Conference Dinner Venue


18.30   Networking drinks and Conference Welcome Dinner (till 22.30)

08.00   Registration (participants who participate only Tuesday)


09.00   Mr Jacco Verhaeren - Head Coach, Swimming Australia

How coaches can/must influence Elite Sport Policy


09.30   Prof Veerle De Bosscher - Associate Professor department of Sports Policy &

Management, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)

Successful Elite Sport Policies: An International Comparison in 15 Nations: Key findings from SPLiSS 2.0


10.10   Morning tea

Delegates moving from Keynote to Invited Speaker Session


10.40   Mr Nick Green - CEO, Cycling Australia

Sports Policy: An Athlete's perspective


11.20   Delegates move from Invited Speaker Session to Parallel Sessions & Symposia


11.30   Parallel Sessions and Symposia


12.30   Lunch break


13.30  Mr Julio Gonzalez Ronco, Real Madrid Foundation (SGP), Prof Paul De Knop, vice chancellor, Free University of Brussel (BE) and Mr Leigh Holmes, Maribyrnong Sports Academy

Junior development and education pathways in Elite Sport


14.30   Parallel sessions, Symposia or Workshops


16.00   Coffee & tea break

Delegates moving to Keynote Speaker


16.30   Prof Simon Shibli - Sheffield Hallam University (UK)

Predicting success: Who is winning the gold in Rio?


17.30   End of day 2

Conference Conclusion and Departure of Delegates
